Remastered HMV


Feeling a little bit jealous.  Not only has this fabulous fifties HMV been given a complete overhaul and rejuvenating facelift, but also made its way to a new home in Cyprus.  Originally made back in 1954 and now looking so very 2017.

Perhaps not our furthest travelled vintage radio but definitely up there as one of the most beautiful.

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A Right Royal Regentone Rescue


Vintage Regentone valve radio from 1953 looking a little tired and emotional.  It’s not a good photograph but let me tell you, it really wasn’t a stunner to start with, just woodwormy and weather-beaten.P1070011

Cleared out, stripped back, cleaned up and undercoated gives us enough time to decide what to do with it next and we came up with ORANGE.  The colour of summer and bang on trend for both the fifties and now.


The tuning dial was in perfect condition, just a little grubby so we cleaned and polished.

P1070055The speaker grille was originally a grungy colour similar to the wooden cabinet but we fancied going a little more modern and picked out the colour of the trim and the knobs instead.


You can now get a good idea of how it’s looking back together.P1070061

All we need to complete the restoration is the most important bit.


Someone to make sense of the insides and we know a man who can.
